This Selects finalizes with an example application domain of Industrial Internet ofThings (IIoT), and a source to delve into state-of-the-art IoT research trends.
The selection includes easy to read articles describing and motivating the IoT, and later deep dives into the major aspects of IoT such as communication protocols, edge-to-cloud continuum, AI and data analytics, and security/privacy.
AI needs to be trustworthy. Trustworthiness means that healthcare organizations, doctors, and patients should be able to rely on the AI solution as being lawful, ethical, and robust.
In this ACM Selects article, based on our experience from Trustworthy AI assessments of use cases in healthcare, we have collected a number of good-read resources.
The goal of this article is to showcase stories that provide insights into the rapid pace of digitization in Bangladesh, the growing digital economy, startup ecosystem, research in the field of computing, and some relevant government efforts.
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